divendres, 16 d’octubre del 2009

up coming book

I have never had time for reading books which I really want to read. I hated when I was oblige to read at school. Now I have the opportunity of reading what I really like and it's awesome. Every day I love reading more and more.

To sum up, I spend a lot of time on the train going to the unity. So I am ''eating'' lots of books since then.

I finished '' Girl with a pearl earring'' lately. Really beautiful story. I should watch the movie again... Colin Firth is great - not Scarlett for me, sorry-.

Now I am about to start '' The parfum ''. I didn't see the movie when it came out on theaters so it is better because I can read it without reminding images from the movie and its characters, but I cannot wait to see it with Alan Rickman! Temptation...

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